Arleny Valle
3 / 5 / 2023






The pencil that did not write on paper
On the loop between analog and digital
I picture the Cro-Magnon telling one of his peers that it is dangerous to use fire and that once we start using it, we will be gods, and not what we currently are. Fire for us is totally archaic, an analogous instrument of the utmost simplicity, but which, at the time, it represented, together with all the tools developed by the first sapiens, the most groundbreaking technology. The feeling of security, stability, and trust that technology gives us, is what allows us to exponentially enhance digital development, by providing a framework of protection within which all possible permutations are allowed to act by choosing the best option among many existing ones, rather than evaluating and designing an optimal way to do so.
We have gained speed, which is fundamental nowadays. Whoever can perform a task faster, whoever answers first, whoever develops more and better, in less time, is the one who takes the lead. This ability to answer without hesitation in the first instance is a virtue of the new generations, which, unlike the previous ones, are not afraid of mistakes, and, with less caution, greater speed. We managed to decipher intuition and turn it into a habit. The intuitive sense of the applications, of the equipment, of the information, generates confidence in the user, and greater confidence in the developer.
The debate of whether the speed is positive or not is actually secondary. Because activities per se are objective. Actions are beyond morality. Evolution lies in not recriminating technological progress. One can discuss the fact that if, by gaining speed, one loses quality, but the search for evolution is at the intersection. Refraining from entering the digital world because of the associated risks is anti-evolutionary. Risks cannot become a brake, because, biologically, we have evolved thanks to the ability to perform activities despite the risks.
In this new trial and error approach, of which Dr. Jill Lepore speaks in depth and with a great background in her lectures on "disruptive innovation", the idea that innovation for innovation's sake and speed for speed's sake loses meaning because it is simplistic, translated into a concept that has no objection, because, from its conception, it harbors the idea of error, of failure, that if it is wrong, it is okay, that we learn from mistakes, then, we never do anything wrong, thus making everything always "right".
Therefore, we can reopen the debate on the morality and ethics of digital technological development, because they have reached absolutist ends, manipulating the actions of innovation by the imposition of innovation and digitalization on the rest of visions regarding the path of development of the world. It is, after envisioning and conceiving the various possibilities, and even after assessing the enormous benefits of openness to digitalization, that we can object to the imposition being made by some sectors of the population in reference to technology.
It is precisely in the approach to the two formats, both analog and digital, and in the two ways of development that they offer, that the ideal path to sustainable growth is to be found. The first way is really necessary to consider and maintain, with its dialectic of evaluation, precaution, information retention, data validation, common sense, and planning each step; and the second, with multiple choice, trial and error, speed, incorporation of digital processes, automation, artificial intelligence, thinking outside the comfort zone, breaking stereotypes and breaking schemes. One does not limit the other.
For example, it is well known how reluctant the new generations can be about the idea of retaining information. With Google at hand on our smartphones and almost unlimited navigation on the Internet, it is almost absurd to have to remember anything. Quite simply, that need has been met, to the point of elimination, as the scenario where we don't have a digital device at hand and need to survive on our own cognitive means is less and less conceivable every day. But does the fact that we have access to this digital universe mean that we should limit ourselves to stop being a universe of capabilities ourselves?
No. Alongside digital technological development, we must develop all possible skills and abilities within ourselves. The fact that there are real-time translators does not mean that learning another language is useless, but quite the opposite. As there are so many apps for translating and learning languages, it is easier and easier to learn, and if there is a right to do so, we should execute this right as well. Personal assessment is totally subjective, but I am convinced that the more tools we have to manage our emotions and thoughts, the greater the capacity to reach personal fulfillment, whatever and however it is conceived for each one of us.
Nowadays, we experience a sensation of freedom when moving in the digital intuitive space as never before, but it can even have an involutive primordial sensation, since our brain feels that the more complex the process to choose, the better the choice, but it is only a sensation, because not necessarily taking longer means that it was analyzed better and, therefore, it is a better option. Also, the fact that every day less theoretical knowledge is required to perform a task or exercise a profession, democratizes professions, giving us several short ways to reach our goals.
This opens up a wide range of possibilities in which we can decide to specialize, and be able to do so in a greater number of skills and professions, without having to spend five years to discover that we want to be professionals in psychology and not in engineering, without having to spend on dozens of analog devices that cost a fortune and which we can access for free or at a very low cost with digital apps, without keeping hundreds of books to which the majority of the population does not have access, and easily download them to our computer.
At what point does the transition between analog and digital occur? Initially, it is a successive process, given that digitalization needs an analog process that serves as the beginning of the cycle. That is, each facilitating app or program that automates the necessary work, requires basic knowledge on the subject for those who execute it, but we cannot limit ourselves to the basics, being these beings so cognitively developed, with capabilities even undiscovered. We can not only have, but also, be.
And so, just because we can have a pencil for our tablet, doesn't mean we don't need to learn how to write, but now we can do it in diversified ways in this beautiful digital revolution, and we can value and appreciate each one of them, going in with an open mind and heart, integrating digitalization with the values and principles of analog execution and the love for knowledge.